Civilian this regulation that tells an opinion and "contract law" medium creditor subrogation authority is same principle. 民诉意见的该条规定与《合同法》中的债权人代位权是同一原理。
As coalition forces advance, civilian Iraqi leaders will emerge who can be part of such an interim authority. 在联盟军队向前推进之时,伊拉克文职领导人将逐步脱颖而出,成为这一临时行政机构的成员。
Civilian implementation of the final phase of a civil action is to force the content to determine Civil Judgement implemented to ensure the civil implementation of the results is directly related to the vital interests of the parties, and the influence of judicial impartiality and authority. 民事执行作为民事诉讼的最后阶段,是生效民事裁判文书确定之内容实现的保证,民事执行的效果直接关系着当事人的切身利益,并影响着司法的公正和权威。
The effective implementation of the civilian judicial system can establish a state authority and deterrence, which is to achieve a necessary prerequisite for realizing the national government by law. 有效的民事执行可以树立国家司法制度的权威和威慑力,是实现国家法治化的必要前提。